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Youth Voices
Enhancing Youth Voices for a Responsible Digital Future: Bridging the Gap in Data GovernanceNote: This article is written by an expert from one of our partners in the UNWDF Commitment to Data Governance Fit for Children. As a thoughtful reflection on the themes explored in the campaign, it offers valuable insights from the recent UN World Data Forum and serves as a meaningful conclusion to this “Youth Voices” series. While RD4C provided light editorial support to enhance readability, the content remains entirely the author’s. The views expressed are independent and do not necessarily reflect official positions or endorsements by UNICEF or The GovLab. In today’s hyper-connected world, youth are more engaged with technology than any previous generation. According to the World Population Prospects, 56% of the world’s population is under 35, and almost 80% of young people aged 15-24 use the internet—14 percentage points more than the rest of the population. Despite their digital engagement, young people are often excluded from the conversations shaping the data economy, policy frameworks, and governance structures. This paradox highlights a critical issue: while youth are the most digitally connected group, they have little influence over how their data is used, governed, and regulated. This article explores how young people can become key stakeholders in data governance and responsible artificial intelligence (AI), offering their unique insights to reshape policies that impact their future. It also offers some reflections regarding youth engagement and involvement in data governance, especially during the recent UN World Data Forum in Colombia and the need to fund and leverage these initiatives. Informed data usage: youth as storytellers of their experience with data One of the most common misconceptions about young people is that they are indifferent to issues like privacy and data usage. This assumption fails to recognize that youth are not only aware of the data economy but are also capable of articulating how they want their data to be managed. They are the best storytellers of their own experiences with technology and data. They understand the nuances of data collection and are increasingly concerned about the ethical dimensions of technology use. Yet, young people remain absent from key decision-making processes. They are seen as passive users of technology rather than active participants who should shape its development. The disconnect between youth and data governance stems from a lack of access to spaces where these critical decisions are being made. The vocabulary around data governance is often complex, inaccessible, and uninviting to young people. They rarely have the opportunity to contribute their insights in meaningful ways. In policy discussions, their participation is frequently limited to token moments—a brief speech, a minute to offer feedback—rather than ongoing consultation and collaboration. A shift in mindset is needed: we must bring young people to the center of these discussions. We need to design inclusive participatory methodologies that enable youth to contribute throughout the policymaking process, not just rubber-stamp decisions made by older generations. Youth-centered approaches, such as youth labs, where young people can experiment, collaborate, and offer feedback on tech design, data use, and policy formulation, could be a game-changer. Youth role in data policies: from marginalized voices to active architects Youth are not only underrepresented in tech design—despite being targeted as main users—but also in the policymaking sphere. Globally, only 13.52% of parliamentarians are under 40 years old, and youth are largely absent from international forums and national debates on digital policy. This lack of representation creates a policy landscape that does not reflect the concerns and aspirations of young people, despite the fact that youth will live with the long-term consequences of these decisions. The impact of this exclusion is multifaceted. For example, youth face unique challenges in the digital age, including issues around mental health, digital literacy, and online safety. Without a voice in policy, these challenges are often overlooked. In many cases, adults assume that young people are digital natives who inherently understand technology, but this assumption neglects the fact that many young people lack the necessary digital literacy skills to navigate the complexities of the data economy. According to recent data, 67% of youth globally do not possess basic digital skills—largely due to the lack of adequate resources and infrastructure, which is a reality particularly prevalent in regions like Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean as well as in some Asian countries. If youth are to play a more significant role in data policies, we must rethink how we engage various youth communities. Moving beyond tokenism, young people should be involved in drafting policies, consulting on frameworks, and contributing to the design of technologies that impact their lives. It is not enough for young people to provide input at the start or end of the policy process; they must be co-creators throughout. Advocacy efforts like those led by Design It For Us provide examples of how young people can leverage social media and other digital tools to share their thoughts, shape public discourse, and push for more inclusive and effective policies. Youth engagement in global policy: fostering intergenerational dialogue In the realm of data governance and AI ethics, young people have a vital role to play in shaping our digital future. The rapid rise of generative AI technologies and AI-driven decision-making tools has generated important ethical questions about transparency, bias, and accountability. An intergenerational dialogue is crucial to target these and other rising questions. Youth perspectives on AI governance are not only relevant but can enrich the debate, offering fresh ideas that challenge traditional ways of thinking. For example, in the recent debate surrounding TikTok’s use in the United States, young users voiced views that went beyond privacy issues to include questions about mental health, addiction, and social dynamics. These insights provide valuable context that older policymakers might overlook, underscoring the importance of having youth at the table. At the latest UN World Data Forum in Medellín, Colombia, together with partners from the Data Governance Fit For Children commitment, various partners joined forces to bring youth voices to the center of data governance conversations. Throughout a full week, youth from Colombia and the world came together to share their insights, challenges and experiences with data and talked to decision makers about the issues they care most about. From the need to design safer technologies for children and youth of all ages to the impacts of data-driven technologies like AI on the planet, young people voiced their concerns to decision makers and interviewed global leaders to better understand and shape the conversation. It was personally inspiring and exciting to witness how youth from all ages and contexts felt they belonged in this space thanks to the efforts of various partners. Young people came together to craft their own declaration on data governance fit for children and thanks to various workshops and labs, they were given the space to think about creative solutions for the challenges they are facing. Yet, the UN World Data Forum attested to the need to make these youth engagement efforts more sustainable. Youth engagement should not be limited to a participation in a specific conference or 1-hour intergenerational dialogue, but should be a continued and sustained endeavor. This requires dedicated teams, funding, and other resources. It is clear that young people are not simply passive consumers of technology—they are active users with ideas on how to shape it. Some are already working on startups and projects that harness data to address critical global challenges, from climate change to digital inclusion. By supporting youth-led initiatives in AI and data governance, we can ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed in ways that are ethical, inclusive, and forward-looking. The way forward To involve young people as key stakeholders in the digital economy, we need to foster intergenerational collaborations and create spaces for experimentation and dialogue. Projects that promote youth participation, such as hackathons focused on AI ethics, youth-led policy drafting sessions, or collaborative platforms for young tech entrepreneurs, can help bridge the gap between youth and data economy decision-making. We also need to recognize that young people are not a monolithic group. Their experiences with technology vary significantly depending on their geographic location, economic background, and access to digital infrastructure. For instance, while some young people in urban areas may have access to high-speed internet and tech education, others—particularly in rural or underserved communities—may still lack basic connectivity and digital literacy skills. To address these disparities, we must invest in digital inclusion initiatives that prioritize meaningful internet access, digital literacy, and skills training for all young people. And youth should have a say in how these initiatives are designed and implemented. Conclusion Youth nowadays are the most connected generation, yet they are the least involved in the governance of the technologies that shape their lives. To close this gap, we must bring young people to the center of conversations on data responsibility and governance. By equipping youth with the tools and the avenues to actively participate in policy making and tech design, we can ensure that the digital future is equitable, ethical, and reflective of the diverse experiences of young people. Their perspectives are not only valuable but essential to building a responsible, sustainable digital future for all. (The photos are courtesy of the author and were taken at the fifth UN World Data Forum in Medellín, Colombia.) About the Author Mariana Rozo-Paz is a lawyer and policy professional passionate about data and AI governance, responsible innovation and digital inclusion. She worked at Data-Pop Alliance on Latin America's data-driven development policies and at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center on digital identity inclusion. Currently, she leads policy engagement and research at the Datasphere Initiative, where she heads the Youth4OurDataFuture project. She also lectures at the School of Government and co-directs the Tech and Policy Lab at Universidad de los Andes. Mariana is the co-founder and CEO of beBold, an initiative inspiring girls and young women to enter into and thrive in tech. She is an advocate for data equity and digital inclusion, especially of youth. Articles published in this series: Juventudes en gobiernos hiperconectados On the Digital Table, Youth Need a Voice, Not Just a Seat Who’s Really Watching? The Hidden Data Risks of Children’s “Phone Watches” AI时代的孩子:如何用“道德数据”守护他们的未来? Youth Leading the Way: Innovating Data Governance in Humanitarian Aid 当未成年人在网上“裸奔”:一种数据信托的破局新思路
Read moreYouth Voices
当未成年人在网上“裸奔”:一种数据信托的解题新思路Note: The views and ideas shared in this article come directly from the inspiring young leaders who contributed to the campaign as part of the Responsible Data for Children (RD4C) initiative. These voices reflect the unique perspectives of youth from diverse backgrounds and regions. While RD4C provided light editorial support to enhance readability, the content remains entirely theirs—authored by young people for young people. Their insights are independent and do not necessarily represent official positions or endorsements by UNICEF or The GovLab. “为什么我会接到这么多骚扰电话?”“为什么应用软件可以监听我并做个性化推荐?”“为什么不同应用能够互通我的数据?” 在高度信息化的时代,这些问题几乎困扰着每个人。我们感觉自己好像在网络上“裸奔”:个人隐私不仅可能被泄露,甚至会被反复利用,而我们却对这些数据的去向一无所知。 在日本,一种新的数据流通方式试图颠覆上述场景,让个人数据回归个人掌控。2018年,日本总务省与经济产业省合作,召集专家小组,启动了这项有关数据信托的专题研究。经过多年公开讨论、征求意见和试点实践,一套相对完善的政策设计已经出炉,其创新应用也已初具雏形,尤其在拥有大量有关健康和医疗信息的老年群体中。 在数据信托模式下,老年人和数据控制者之间的传统关系被重新定义,信托公司和独立的第三方处理机构被引入——在日本,这一角色被称作“数据银行”;在中国,也有学者展开了类似探讨——它们接受老年人委托,作为合规主体管理个人数据,在其同意和指示下,将限定范围的数据提供给有需要的第三方使用。这一设计巧妙隔离了服务提供方对老年人数据的绝对掌控,不仅有效保障了老年人的数据安全,还在合规范围内最大化地释放了数据的经济价值,为智慧养老提供了有力支持。 作为互联网的重度使用者,未成年人也拥有大量数据,他们对商业社会的规则和数据流通的风险缺乏认知。这一群体是否同样可以受益于数据信托模式? 未成年人的数据风险 在中国,未成年人的电子设备普及率已超过90%。数据信息在未成年人日常生活中所占的比重日益增加,与之相关的问题也变得更为尖锐。 首先是隐私安全问题,未成年人数据的泄露、滥用和非法交易是数据保护中的重大风险之一。人民日报旗下人民数据管理有限公司发布的报告显示,2022年,“未成年人信息安全”话题中涉及个人隐私的敏感信息占比达25.6%,同比增长201.7%。近七成家长表示收到过与孩子信息有关的推销电话或垃圾短信。由于技术与监管的滞后,未成年人数据在采集、存储和流通过程中易被滥用,而现有隐私保护措施仍显不足。 其次是数据垄断问题,大型互联网公司掌握着大量儿童和青少年的行为数据,这些数据不仅用于商业化运作,还形成了资源高度集中的局面。数据垄断使得教育、公益等机构难以公平获得所需数据,从而限制了未成年人在教育和社会服务领域的精准发展机会。 未成年人数据在保护与发展的平衡中也存在着矛盾。未成年人数据保护政策旨在全面保护未成年人,但在实际应用中,政策的普遍性与未成年人个体差异一定程度上构成冲突。事实上,即使是相同年龄的未成年人,由于先天和后天环境等因素的影响,各方面能力的往往存在差异,因此,对每个未成年人进行个性化评估可以更好地在保护其权益不受侵犯的前提下,满足未成年人对探索性、创新性内容获取的需求,避免“青少年模式”变“婴儿模式”的问题。 如果引入数据信托模式,这些问题或许能够得到有效缓解。依托制度方面的创新设计,未成年人的数据流通将在保障隐私安全的同时,最大化地实现为公益服务、为未成年人群体本身服务。 什么是数据信托? 如上图所示,在数据信托模式下,未成年人及其监护人作为委托人,将数据财产权委托给信托公司。信托公司作为受托人,以维护未成年人利益为目标,承担信义义务,对数据的采集、存储、分析和流通进行监督与管理;而第三方机构负责具体的数据分析与合规使用。 对于未成年人来说,这样的设计让他们的数据不再“裸奔”,还能在保障安全的同时被善用,为教育、医疗等公益领域创造更多可能。对家长而言,这像是为孩子的数据建起了一道“防火墙”,在不确定的数字世界中提供了一份安心。 然而,这一看似理想的模式能否真正走向现实?基于贵州省的调研经验与相关文献研究,下文将进一步分析它的优势与潜在的落地挑战。 为什么数据信托适合未成年人? 当前,未成年人及其监护人在面对数据控制者时往往处于弱势地位,而信托模式的引入将改变这一格局,有效平衡数据主体与数据控制者的权力差距。受托人以法律框架为依托,承担信义义务,强化未成年人及其监护人对数据使用的决策权,从而有效制衡数据控制者的权力。例如,信息银行作为符合国家规定标准的可靠主体,接受个人委托。管理个人数据,并在老年人同意的基础上,根据本人指示或预先设定的条件,将一定范围内的数据提供给第三方使用,以实现老年人数据的高效利用,这一模式同样可以借鉴到未成年人领域。 数据信托模式还可以平衡保护与赋权之间的矛盾。未成年人数据保护需要在“过度保护”与“适度赋权”之间找到平衡。通过秉持在合规前提下受益人权益最大化原则,这一模式可以充分发挥信托公司与第三方数据机构对数据价值挖掘的灵活性,通过负责任的数据处理和多样的制度设计,根据未成年人的具体情况,提供更加有针对性的服务,即按照未成年人年龄、认知水平和数据风险,分层设定权限。在确保数据隐私安全的同时,该模式将为未成年人提供接触新技术和数字资源的机会。 未成年人数据信托通过信托公司与第三方机构的合作,在保障数据安全的同时,还将提升数据流通效率。信托公司作为受托人,负责管理数据的所有权和使用权,明确规定数据的用途和流通范围,从而避免数据滥用或未经授权的使用。第三方机构则在数据处理过程中发挥技术监督作用,通过加密、脱敏和分布式存储等技术手段确保数据的安全性,并对数据流通过程进行实时监控,确保其符合合同规定。这样的结构化管理不仅可以提高数据流通的效率,明确的合规性审查还将降低数据泄露的风险。在这一模式下,数据主体能够确保其个人数据在多个环节都得到严格的保护,同时,数据的使用也能在安全的框架内得到高效处理,这种模式特别适用于未成年人数据的管理,因为这一群体的敏感性和脆弱性要求更高的安全保障。 此外,该模式独特之处还在于其对数据生命周期的全面管理,从采集、存储到使用和销毁,均嵌入法律和技术双重保护。这种设计不仅关注数据保护的安全性,还注重数据在合规条件下的最大化利用,为数据流通与隐私保护之间的平衡提供了解决方案。例如,随着儿童成长,其数据积累可能用于医疗、教育和职业规划等多个领域,而信托模式能够保障这些数据的长期安全与合规使用,从而为未成年人创造更多价值。 贵阳的探索:数据信托的未来 在今年八月随南开大学社会实践团队探访贵阳大数据交易所时,我了解到,中国第一笔具有数据信托色彩的个人数据流通计划已于2023年年初落地。该项目由招聘求职平台好活(贵州)网络科技有限公司(下称“好活”)发起,个人用户授权好活经营其个人简历,在保护隐私的前提下开发出数据产品,数据中介机构贵州吾道律师事务出具法律意见书,最终,好活通过算法和市场分析对简历进行定价,并将其在贵阳大数据交易所上架。据报道,用人企业每点阅一次简历,简历所有者就能获得二至三元不等的收入,求职者得以边找工作边挣钱。这一模式的落地为探索未成年人数据的信托管理带来了更多想象空间。 然而,在与负责人就该模式进一步沟通后,我发现,这种具有信托色彩的个人交易模式在推广和深入挖掘方面存在政策不明的难点,企业只能“摸着石头过河”。在与某数据服务公司访谈时,负责人向我们透露,该公司有意尝试面向个人的数据信托模式,但目前领导层还在观望政策动向。无独有偶,在我们采访的多家组织都表示了这种担忧,由此反映出“顶层设计”与“基层涌现”的差异还需要进一步协调与磨合。 令人意外的是,技术本身并不是数据信托模式的主要障碍。当前,数据流通的技术已较为成熟。在数据资产定价方面,贵阳大数据交易所已于2023年上线全国首个数据产品交易价格计算器,不断完善统一规范的数据流通定价规则和价格形成机制。在数据流通主体方面,企业、政府间的数据流通交易已经有一定规模,得益于官方背书支持,负责处理政府数据的大多是国企;民企则需要获得授权才可以开展相关业务。据了解,当前贵阳数据交易市场十分活跃,其业务场景包罗万象,包括政务民生数据的治理、保险与金融行业风险评估等,未来还将拓展医疗、交运等场景的解决方案。 贵州活跃的数据交易市场为未成年人数据信托提供了良好的实践基础,也带来了新的启发。政策的不明确和企业的观望态度,表明信托模式的推进还有很长的路要走。但从技术的成熟到定价机制的完善,数据信托已经有了一个良好的开端。 或许,正如贵阳的创新实践所展现的那样,未成年人数据的“裸奔”问题并非无解。通过数据信托模式的不断完善,未成年人数据的隐私保护与价值实现,正朝着可触及的未来迈进。 (Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash is licensed under CC0) About the Author 陈美齐是南开大学商学院2022级本科生,关注个人数据权利保护等前沿议题,致力于推动以数据信托为基础的新机制探索与实践。她期待未来能够积极投身国际活动,促进多元文化的交流与合作。 Articles published in this series: Juventudes en gobiernos hiperconectados On the Digital Table, Youth Need a Voice, Not Just a Seat Who’s Really Watching? The Hidden Data Risks of Children’s “Phone Watches” AI时代的孩子:如何用“道德数据”守护他们的未来? Youth Leading the Way: Innovating Data Governance in Humanitarian Aid Enhancing Youth Voices for a Responsible Digital Future: Bridging the Gap in Data Governance
Read moreYouth Voices
Youth Leading the Way: Innovating Data Governance in Humanitarian AidNote: The views and ideas shared in this article come directly from the inspiring young leaders who contributed to the campaign as part of the Responsible Data for Children (RD4C) initiative. These voices reflect the unique perspectives of youth from diverse backgrounds and regions. While RD4C provided light editorial support to enhance readability, the content remains entirely theirs—authored by young people for young people. Their insights are independent and do not necessarily represent official positions or endorsements by UNICEF or The GovLab. As humanity strives to harness the power of data, the world continues to witness innocent lives affected by unprecedented humanitarian crises. While data responsibility and data governance today can improve corporate performance and mitigate risks of data breaches in the business world, they are even more crucial in fostering trust between those in need and humanitarian aid agencies. They enable the humanitarian community to respond more effectively and efficiently in complex contexts. In this evolving landscape, young people are at the forefront, bringing innovative perspectives to data governance and driving creative solutions that address the unique challenges of humanitarian efforts. The Double-Edged Sword of Data in Humanitarian Aid Potential risks Data in humanitarian work is usually highly sensitive and can be viewed as strategically important in conflicts and disasters. If leaked, such data could identify the vulnerable communities, potentially leading to risks like human trafficking or political persecution, violating the “Do No Harm” humanitarian principle. Inadequate data governance in humanitarian efforts could result in inconsistent information sharing across a cluster system, limiting organizations’ ability to respond swiftly to disasters. For example, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) noted in the 170th Session of the Council it needed to integrate and improve the internal coordination of FAO data and statistics to better fulfill its mandate. In China, FAO collaborates closely with national statistical offices to gather data on food, nutrition, and agriculture to optimize its work. Opportunities Emerging AI tools can help reduce data management costs and explore best practices in managing using various algorithms. Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and other algorithms currently available can scan datasets for errors or inconsistencies and rectify them promptly, reducing human labor in data management. Organizations and individuals can take advantage of data visualization tools to analyze trends and frequencies of natural disasters or movements of internally displaced people. These advanced data analytics methods enable more accurate targeting of humanitarian aid missions and the design of tailored approaches using geospatial data to assist, for example, indigenous groups affected by rising sea-levels in the South Pacific region. Ensuring Transparency in Data Sharing A universal database, combining elements of blockchain technology and ReliefWeb, the most popular humanitarian information service platform, should be established to better inform and monitor data usage. This system would automatically attach a dedicated tag to the user’s name and the data owner each time data is collected or used. Such a database should operate under the supervision of a multilateral agency like the UN. This approach would enhance transparency about their data usage, encourage more open data sharing, and indirectly deter cybercrime. Operating on a voluntary-sharing basis, the database will aggregate data from UN agencies, NGOs and national statistical offices. However, challenges such as the inherently conflicting interests in international relations could impede the development of such a database. Therefore, leaders must demonstrate political will and take collective actions as an informed data usage is crucial for the 2030 Agenda. On a personal note, while living in England, I received numerous automated phone calls claiming to be from immigration bureau, warning of visa issues and requesting personal information. This experience highlighted the vulnerability of individuals, especially those unfamiliar with their host country, to potential data theft schemes. Youth as Catalysts for Inclusive Data Governance “The tour guide” Young people can explain data policies to less data-literate individuals at the community level, raising awareness. In China, the “College Graduates Serving as Village Officials ” initiative has been operating for many years. Under this scheme, college graduates are encouraged by governments to work at grassroots levels, contributing to local poverty alleviation efforts. These dedicated young people could organize seminars or workshops with local communities on data policies, ensuring that people are not left behind in the data era. “The third eye” In remote areas with relatively poor IT infrastructure , young people with IT backgrounds can join the national civil service, becoming the “third eye” to help address inconsistent data records caused by ill-informed officials or community mistrust. By engaging with communities, they can uncover previously unrecorded or unnoticed data, improving the efficacy of data policies. Empowering Ethical AI Through Youth-Led Data Governance As early adopters of new technologies, young people are often among the first to interact with AI algorithms in their earliest forms. This unique position allows them to identify flaws or bugs that could potentially jeopardize data governance processes, stay alert to ethical breaches in AI usage, such as customer profiling on e-commerce platforms, report problems to supervisors or relevant authorities, ensuring AI is used responsibly and hold organizations accountable for ethical AI implementation in both private and public sectors. By leveraging their technological savvy and ethical awareness, young people can play a crucial role in shaping responsible AI usage and robust data governance practices. They can actively identify biases and discriminations in AI systems to safeguard marginalised and vulnerable groups from further inequalities. As frequent users of social media platforms, young people have access to various channels to expose ethical risks that could threaten human rights, enabling public awareness and necessary adjustments. Responsible data governance is essential for ethical and effective humanitarian efforts. By balancing the risks and opportunities of data use, embracing transparency, and empowering young people to lead change, we can build trust and ensure data helps protect those who need it most. (Photo by Salah Darwish / Unsplash is licensed under CC0) About the Author Jin Xiaotong is a young advocate of transformative policies in humanitarian aid. One of her notable contributions is her work on refugee integration and basic education for children and teenagers in countries of destination for the Mediterranean migratory routes. Trained as a conference interpreter at the University of Bath, her communication expertise enabled her to amplify her voice on global platforms with UN Offices in Nairobi, Geneva and Vienna. Currently, she serves in the Communication and Advocacy Office at the East Asia Delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), promoting innovative policies for the humanitarian landscape in the Asia Pacific region. Articles published in this series: Juventudes en gobiernos hiperconectados On the Digital Table, Youth Need a Voice, Not Just a Seat Who’s Really Watching? The Hidden Data Risks of Children’s “Phone Watches” AI时代的孩子:如何用“道德数据”守护他们的未来? 当未成年人在网上“裸奔”:一种数据信托的破局新思路 Enhancing Youth Voices for a Responsible Digital Future: Bridging the Gap in Data Governance
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AI时代的孩子:如何用“道德数据”守护他们的未来?Note: The views and ideas shared in this article come directly from the inspiring young leaders who contributed to the campaign as part of the Responsible Data for Children (RD4C) initiative. These voices reflect the unique perspectives of youth from diverse backgrounds and regions. While RD4C provided light editorial support to enhance readability, the content remains entirely theirs—authored by young people for young people. Their insights are independent and do not necessarily represent official positions or endorsements by UNICEF or The GovLab. 随着我们进入人工智能(AI)时代,数据已成为我们这个时代最有价值的资产之一。越来越多的政府、企业和机构将目光投向了与人工智能相关的数据治理。人工智能系统依赖大量数据来学习、适应和改进,在这种情况下,数据治理是指,确保以负责任、符合道德、符合所有利益相关者权利和利益的方式,管理数据的框架和实践。儿童是我们社会最脆弱的群体之一,他们的独特需求必须成为任何负责任的数据治理策略的核心。 在这篇文章里,笔者将讨论“道德的数据治理”(ethical data governance)这一概念,其旨在寻求数据保护与其有效利用之间的平衡,尤其关注作为数据创造者的儿童本人的权利、脆弱性及其数据被滥用的长期影响。 人工智能技术有潜力从根本上改变教育、医疗保健和其他直接影响儿童生活的领域。然而,推动这些技术的数据具有不少风险和挑战。儿童的数据,包括他们的行为模式、学习习惯和健康记录,通常在人工智能系统的输入端被广泛应用,而这些系统有可能深入影响他们生活和未来的决策。儿童还特别容易受到数据滥用的影响,因为他们缺乏充分了解数据收集、同意流程和潜在后果及其风险的自主权(agency)。虽然成年人可能有能力保护他们的数据隐私,但儿童并不总是能够就他们的数据如何被使用、谁有权限访问数据或他们的数据将被保留多长时间做出充分知情的决定。这意味着我们需要在理解儿童发展阶段、认知局限性和长期利益的基础上,对人工智能和数据的使用进行严格的监管。 2019年,YouTube母公司谷歌因违反《儿童在线隐私权保护法》(COPPA)被美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)罚款1.7亿美元。YouTube被控长期在未经父母同意的情况下,收集13岁以下儿童的数据。该平台利用这些数据来跟踪儿童的在线行为,并向他们提供有针对性的广告。2014年,苹果公司被控允许儿童未经父母授权在应用内购买虚拟商品。最终,该公司以支付至少3250万美元向消费者全额退款为条件,与FTC达成和解。一名消费者投诉称,她的女儿在一款名为“Tap Pet Hotel”的游戏中花费了近2600 美元。这并不是孤例。由于儿童在认知上不成熟,他们很容易成为商业剥削的目标。 为人工智能设计“道德的数据治理”的挑战在于,找到数据保护和数据应用之间的平衡。一方面,保护隐私,尤其是儿童的隐私,至关重要。另一方面,数据在改善儿童服务、激发儿童潜能等方面的潜在好处也不容忽视。 理想的平衡必须对这种冲突性保持敏感,从而设计出既具有保护性功能又具有生产性功能的政策。针对“道德的数据治理”这一概念,笔者向从业人士提出以下呼吁: 第一,管理数据收集。我们应当对数据做到“Reduce、Reuse、Recycle”。首先尽可能减少数据的收集;收集后尽量重复使用,在有监管的情况下做到数据共享,避免不同的机构重复收集用户的数据;在数据达到储存有效期后告知用户,在征求同意后再次储存数据。 第二,确保知情同意。鉴于儿童理解数据应用的复杂性的能力有限,获得他们的知情同意并不总是实际“道德”的,我们通常需要父母或监护人的同意。数据治理框架还应该致力于建立一个系统,在儿童的成长过程中,为其提供与数据权利相关的知识和训练,逐步培养他们的数字素养。 第三,夯实数据安全。随着人工智能系统的激增,数据泄露、滥用和未经授权访问的风险不断增加。儿童数据尤其需要更加严格的安全措施,其中加密、访问控制和定期审计构成了“道德的数据治理”的支柱。 第四,考虑长期影响。我们必须清楚认识到,今天做出的任何有关如何使用儿童数据的决定可能会产生深远的长期影响。例如,数据滥用可能会导致不必要的数据分析、系统的被信任程度受到侵蚀,以及心理创伤,这将危及儿童的心理健康,并进一步影响他们未来的教育和职业发展机会。因此,“道德的数据治理”不仅要注重即时保护,还要注重最大限度地减少潜在的长期危害。 第五,改进问责制和透明度。处理儿童数据的人工智能系统必须以高度透明的方式运行。开发人员、使用组织等所有相关方必须公开声明正在收集哪些数据、如何处理这些数据,以及用于什么目的。同时,所有利用数据盈利的相关方必须确保每个环节责任到人,并有相应的法律规范他们的行为。这种问责制和透明度确保儿童及其看护者的权利得到尊重,并确保他们有权挑战不当的数据使用。 人工智能时代的数据治理充满挑战,但我们必须迎难而上,尤其是在保护儿童方面。人工智能可以释放新的机会并改善生活,但不应该以牺牲儿童的权利、安全或长期发展为代价。“道德的数据治理”的目标应该是促进创新,同时保护我们最弱势群体的隐私、尊严和未来。 为了实现这一目标,政府、企业和机构必须合作建立强大的、以儿童为中心的数据治理框架。这些框架应优先考虑儿童最大利益,确保人工智能技术以公平、透明和保护儿童独特脆弱性的方式开发和部署。只有在数据保护和数据应用之间取得适当的平衡,我们才能为每个儿童创造一个尊重其隐私、赋予其权利、助力其成长的数字未来。 (Photo by Igor Omilaev / Unsplash is licensed under CC0) About the Author 姜剑欧,现为牛津大学工程系博士研究生,专注于结合机器学习的计算流体动力学研究,对数据治理和儿童权利等领域也有深入关注和研究。他本科毕业于帝国理工学院地球物理专业,硕士就读于剑桥大学科学计算专业,目前担任牛津大学中国学联副主席。 Articles published in this series: Juventudes en gobiernos hiperconectados On the Digital Table, Youth Need a Voice, Not Just a Seat Who’s Really Watching? The Hidden Data Risks of Children’s “Phone Watches” Youth Leading the Way: Innovating Data Governance in Humanitarian Aid 当未成年人在网上“裸奔”:一种数据信托的破局新思路 Enhancing Youth Voices for a Responsible Digital Future: Bridging the Gap in Data Governance
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The RD4C initiative is a joint endeavor between UNICEF and The GovLab at New York University to highlight and support best practice in our work; identify challenges and develop practical tools to assist practitioners in evaluating and addressing them; and encourage a broader discussion on actionable principles, insights, and approaches for responsible data management.
The work is intended to address practical considerations across the data lifecycle, including routine data collection and one-off data collections; and compliments work on related topics being addressed by the development community such as guidance on specific data systems and technologies, technical standardization, and digital engagement strategies.
Additional tools and materials are coming soon and will be posted on this website as they become available. Join the conversation to receive regular updates.