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News and developments from RD4C

Lessons from the Field

New Video on Lessons from the Field: Aurora Project

This week, building on its case study published last year, we interviewed the Aurora Project’s Voichita Tomus to understand how she and her colleagues are using data to improve children’s lives.

Posted on 9th of March 2022 by Andrew Zahuranec

The Responsible Data for Children (RD4C) initiative is committed to highlighting innovative, data-driven approaches to promote the responsible handling of data for and about children. This week, building on its case study published last year, the RD4C team interviewed the Aurora Project’s Voichita Tomus to understand how she and her colleagues are using data to improve children’s lives.

The eleven-minute video allows Voichita to talk at length about the Aurora Project, a child-protection platform developed by UNICEF Romania and its partners. The tool enables social workers and community health care providers to diagnose and monitor vulnerabilities experienced by children and their families. Through the administration of a child protection questionnaire, the system supports the determination of a minimum package of services needed by children and their families.  It also enables child protection evaluation and planning work at the national level. 


In the video linked above, Voichita talks about this work and answers important questions about the data Aurora uses, the most serious challenges it faces, what enables its success. We encourage those interested in responsible data for children to watch to understand how real-world practitioners are applying the RD4C principles to the areas they work.


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