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Learning Package for Responsible Data for Refugee Children

From 29 to 31 January 2024, UNICEF and UNHCR and The Governance Lab at New York University hosted three 90-minute webinars on ways they can support the well-being of children through data...

Posted on 28th of February 2024 by Sara Marcucci, Andrew Zahuranec, Stefaan Verhulst

Learning Package for Responsible Data for Refugee Children
Learning Package for Responsible Data for Refugee Children

This piece was originally posted on The GovLab website in coordination with UNICEF and UNHCR. To view it in its original format, please click the link here

From 29 to 31 January 2024, UNICEF and UNHCR and The Governance Lab at New York University hosted three 90-minute webinars on ways they can support the well-being of children through data, highlighting the ways development and humanitarian practitioners around the world can reinforce data responsibility principles and practices in their daily work with and for children. Led by The GovLab’s Stefaan Verhulst, UNICEF’s Krisana Messerli and Eugenia Olliaro, and UNHCR’s Rachelle Cloutier, participants learned:

  • Why is data important for refugee children?
  • What is data responsibility, and why does it matter?
  • Why does data responsibility matter for refugee children?
  • What are the principles for responsible data management in humanitarian settings?
  • How can data responsibility principles be implemented in practice across the data and information management process?

Following the completion of this series, we are happy to publish a final “learning package” that compiles all of the components used for this event. This learning package includes: 

  1. A recording of the 30 January 2024 session of the webinar. 


  1. The PowerPoint presentation used for the webinar. 

  1. A collection of additional resources that can guide participants interested in further advancing their understanding of responsible data for refugee children.

The additional resources are available here.


We hope these resources are of interest and use to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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