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The RD4C Tools provide lightweight and user-friendly means for organizations and practitioners to operationalize the RD4C Principles.

The RD4C Tools provide lightweight and user-friendly means for organizations and practitioners to operationalize the RD4C Principles.

RD4C Data Ecosystem Mapping Tool

The RD4C Data Ecosystem Mapping Tool intends to help users to identify the systems generating data about children and the key components of those systems. After using this tool, users will be positioned to understand the breadth of data they generate and hold about children; assess data systems’ redundancies or gaps; identify opportunities for responsible data use; and achieve other insights.

RD4C Decision Provenance Mapping

The RD4C Decision Provenance Mapping methodology provides a way for actors designing or assessing data investments for children to identify key decision points and determine which internal and external parties influence those decision points. This distillation can help users to pinpoint any gaps and develop strategies for improving decision-making processes and advancing more professionally accountable data practices.

Ethical Assessment - Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF

The Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF developed an Ethical Assessment that "forms part of our safe data ecosystem, alongside data management and data protection policies and practices." The tool reflects the RD4C Principles and aims to "provide an opportunity for project teams to reflect on the material consequences of their actions, and how their work will have real impacts on children’s lives.

RD4C Opportunity and Risk Diagnostic

The RD4C Opportunity and Risk Diagnostic Tool provides organizations with a way to take stock of the RD4C principles and how they might be realized as an organization reviews a data project or system. The high-level questions and prompts below are intended to help users identify areas in need of attention and to strategize next steps for ensuring more responsible handling of data for and about children across their organization.

22 Questions to Assess Responsible Data for Children (RD4C)

A tool for rapidly assessing initiatives or systems that handle data for and about children against the RD4C Principles. It provides users with a structured approach for putting the principles into practice.

RD4C Studio Methodology

The RD4C Studio Methodology offers a way for organizations to collaboratively define, prioritize, and unlock the data needed to inform decisions and programs that seek to improve children’s well-being in a responsible way. It lays out a multi-step process for planning a consultative process, convening experts, synthesizing ideas, and releasing the results.

Responsible Data for Children